Posted by Richard on  UTC 2024-03-13 12:28

These thugs in the 'far-right' party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) have no shame. They are now even supporting the embattled Chancellor, Olaf Scholz (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, SPD). Scholz, the ditherer, the wuzzie, is doing his best to avoid starting a war with Russia, as we mentioned a few days ago, by blocking the delivery of the long-range cruise missile system Taurus to the Ukraine.

Olaf Scholz, 2021

Olaf Scholz, 2021 Image: SPD / © Maximilian König

Yesterday, Alice Weidel, Co-Chairman of the AfD parliamentary party, gave a speech in support of poor Scholz, who needs all the friends he can get at the moment.

Alice Weidel, Co-Chairman of the AfD parliamentary party.

Alice Weidel, Co-Chairman of the AfD parliamentary party. Image: AfD

It is ironic and embarrassing that Scholz is getting support in his anti-war stance from the AfD, the party that, following the machinations of the SPD and the other parties in the ruling coalition, is now being investigated and monitored by the security services as a case of suspected right wing extremism that threatens the constitution.

There is something to be said for the 'far-right' AfD doing its best to stop the warmongers of the West kicking off World War III. There is also something to be said – not much, just something – for a system of proportional representation that lets alternative opinions into parliament… though grudgingly.

Here are some excerpts from her speech [translation FoS].

Offizieller Kanal der AfD-Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag Website.

The [proposed] delivery of Taurus must simply be rejected. Olaf Scholz is, exceptionally, right to draw a clear red line here and we urge him to remain steadfast. Almost two-thirds of Germans are against the supply of Taurus cruise missiles, only a majority of the followers of the Greens are for this.

Die Lieferung von Taurus ist schlicht abzulehnen! Olaf Scholz hat ausnahmsweise völlig Recht hier eine klare rote Linie zu ziehen und wir fordern ihn auf, standhaft zu bleiben. Fast zwei Drittel der Deutschen sind gegen diese Taurus-Marschflugkörperlieferung, nur die Anhänger der Grünen sind mehrheitlich dafür.

I should like to remind you that the Greens in 2021 made an election issue of forbidding the delivery of weapons to warzones – well, so much for voter deception. It is the responsibility of the Chancellor not to allow Germany to become a party to a war. The supply of Taurus would be a clear participation in a war.

Ich möchte daran erinnern, dass die Grünen 2021 noch Wahlkampf damit gemacht haben, keine Waffen in Kriegsgebiete zu liefern – also, so viel zur Wählertäuschung. Es ist die Verantwortung des Kanzlers, Deutschland nicht zur Kriegspartei werden zu lassen. Die Taurus-Lieferung wäre eine klare Kriegsbeteiligung.


The fact is that Germany is already a party to war: Germany participates in the sanctions in the economic war against Russia, Germany is delivering considerable numbers of weapons to the Ukraine and the delivery of an attack weapon such as Taurus – a weapon system with a range of well over 500km – which would be capable of destroying the Kremlin and could be unequivocally understood by Russia as a declaration of war.

Faktisch ist Deutschland bereits Kriegspartei: Deutschland beteiligt sich durch die Sanktionen am Wirtschaftskrieg gegen Russland, Deutschland liefert Waffen an die Ukraine im erheblichen Umfang und die Lieferung von Angriffswaffen wie Taurus – ein Waffensystem mit einer Reichweite von weit über 500 Kilometern – wären in der Lage, den Kreml zu zerstören und könnte von Russland unmissverständlich als Kriegserklärung Deutschlands verstanden werden.


It is not in the interest of Germany simply to hand over high technology such as the Taurus system and certainly not to deploy German soldiers for the programming of this system, thus effectively participating in open war.

Es ist nicht im deutschen Interesse, Hochtechnologien wie das Taurus-System völlig aus der Hand zu geben und erst recht nicht, deutsche Soldaten zur Programmierung dieses Systems zu betrauen und sich damit offen am Krieg zu beteiligen.

These ugly, far-right thugs – they are a danger to us all.

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